Friday, April 21, 2006

Turn 3: Massacre in Mirkwood

The overwhelming power of the Dark Lord was wielded against the Elves of Mirkwood with more than 3000 slain on the Old Forest Road.
Unconfirmed reports of a small fracas between the brave troops of Dol Gulder and the fortunate elves of Anduin list around 11000 Mordor troops dead on the field.
The might of the Nazgul allowed the redeployment of forces in Lossarnach to the Anduin vale. The scream of the Nazgul echoes in the minds of men, turning the horselords hearts to ice.
Unconfirmed reports of a small fracas between the valiant forces of Mordor and the lucky Gondorians suggest that around 13000 Mordor warriors lost their lives on the field of Lossarnach. The incompetent commander tragically died on the field and cannot return to the Master for suitable punishment.

Dwarves teach Elves a Lesson

The doughty Dwarves of Lhun have crushed an invading force of Elves at Nenuial. 1000 pointy eared fools met their deserved deaths.
The Elves also took a pounding from the cliffs of Angmar where brave defenders pummeled the invaders with stone and iron.
There are rumours of a strange figure sweeping through the lands like a streak of lightning. This cannot be confirmed seemingly because it’s gone so quickly. The editor knows better and thinks the locals should lay off the drink.


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