Friday, April 21, 2006

Turn 5: Witch King Falls, Massacre in Rohan

A terrible battle was fought upon the green fields of Rohan when the Witchking led 37000 orcs into East Emnet. Brave Eomer led the countercharge as reinforcements flooded in from neighbouring provinces. The Witchking fell to the Lady Eowyn, it being a couple of thousand years since the evil sorcerer had touched a woman….

Leaderless, the orc horde was trampled beneath the hooves of Rohan horsemen. No orc survived and 20,000 men and horse fell.

The brave Lady Eowyn was carried from the field after falling to a terrible malady. She will convalesce for some time and the land owes a debt of gratitude that can never fully be repaid. Elsewhere, a large force of Elves were slaughtered as Mordor moved into Beorns Marches and started skinning bears for fun.
Some significant gains were made by Mordor as the red wave continues to pour across the land.

The Siege of Minas Tirith has begun. How will our brave men of Gondor respond?
An evil horde of Variags answered the call of Sauron and setup shop in Khand.
Hobbits stomp into the North Downs, promptly celebrating with supper.


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