Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Turn 16: Lord of the Ring Returns

The Pirate King marched into the desert lands of Haradwaith, intent on demonstrating the awesome power of the One Ring. However, the Eye of Sauron still sweeps the land and 2000 defenders were strategically withdrawn to Khand. The remaining 97 orc defenders were duly impressed as 90,000 buccaneers crested the rise. Negotiations were short and pointed.
The ancestral home of Umbar was also retaken, it’s halls empty and it’s streets strewn with aging skeletons. Cries of revenge echo through the broken city gates.
The piercing shriek of the Nazgul was felt across the wastes of Poros as 140,000 orcs cowered in terror. The order to march North was greeted with relief as the Mordor host moved into South Ithilien unopposed.

Huge forces vied for position across Middle Earth but very few engagements were made.
Dwarves marched into Carrock as the defenders attacked Elves sheltering along the Old Forest Road. Tragically, the Elven defenders were overwhelmed, losing nearly 3000 lives to the orcs 2000.
Revenge for the Elves is a distinct option as 60,000 first born take the Old Ford, left undefended.
Gondor continues to taunt the Mordor forces by capturing the Dagorlad for the loss of no lives. The wily orcish defenders sidestepped the attack and captured Emyn Muil to threaten Gondorian supply lines.

The infamous Wolfshead clan arrived to Andrast in the nick of time as more than 3600 Men of the West assaulted the coastal province. Suddenly outnumbered 3-1, the Gondorian force was massacred to the last man. Less than 2000 orcs were slain, mostly from neighbouring clans, as the Wolfshead drew on age old tactics with the use of the orcish meat shield.

Other significant gains this week were:
Mordor: The fall of Fangorn for the loss of 1600 orcs vs 1800 elf lives. Entwash was occupied with no loss.
The Elves took Central Mirkwood.


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