Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Gotta love da Wolfshead Clan!

Sales of "I ♥ the Wolfshead Clan" t-shirts (made of chainmail, obviously) have reached an all-time high in the land of Mordor, narrowly beating the previous favourite (and state-sponsored) "FU to the Pirate King" breastplate.

Down in the Havens of Umbar, Orc 'cleaners' have been busy removing guerilla fighters who support the upstart 'lord of the ring'. These fighters are being sent to re-education camps.

Gondorians! What are you doing? Can you not sense the threat of this ring-wielding monster? Unite with peaceful Mordor and together we can vanquish this foe as the good neighbours we were born to be!

The Mouth
Official Mordor Ministry of Peace Broadcast

Turn 16: Lord of the Ring Returns

The Pirate King marched into the desert lands of Haradwaith, intent on demonstrating the awesome power of the One Ring. However, the Eye of Sauron still sweeps the land and 2000 defenders were strategically withdrawn to Khand. The remaining 97 orc defenders were duly impressed as 90,000 buccaneers crested the rise. Negotiations were short and pointed.
The ancestral home of Umbar was also retaken, it’s halls empty and it’s streets strewn with aging skeletons. Cries of revenge echo through the broken city gates.
The piercing shriek of the Nazgul was felt across the wastes of Poros as 140,000 orcs cowered in terror. The order to march North was greeted with relief as the Mordor host moved into South Ithilien unopposed.

Huge forces vied for position across Middle Earth but very few engagements were made.
Dwarves marched into Carrock as the defenders attacked Elves sheltering along the Old Forest Road. Tragically, the Elven defenders were overwhelmed, losing nearly 3000 lives to the orcs 2000.
Revenge for the Elves is a distinct option as 60,000 first born take the Old Ford, left undefended.
Gondor continues to taunt the Mordor forces by capturing the Dagorlad for the loss of no lives. The wily orcish defenders sidestepped the attack and captured Emyn Muil to threaten Gondorian supply lines.

The infamous Wolfshead clan arrived to Andrast in the nick of time as more than 3600 Men of the West assaulted the coastal province. Suddenly outnumbered 3-1, the Gondorian force was massacred to the last man. Less than 2000 orcs were slain, mostly from neighbouring clans, as the Wolfshead drew on age old tactics with the use of the orcish meat shield.

Other significant gains this week were:
Mordor: The fall of Fangorn for the loss of 1600 orcs vs 1800 elf lives. Entwash was occupied with no loss.
The Elves took Central Mirkwood.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Pirate King Admin

Things are getting desperate in the South. If Umbar does not make a move then Mordor is free to surround and throw all troops in, in a desperate attempt to grab the ring. Undoubtedly difficult for Mordor, but the risk is there.
As such, if mark cannot put a turn in this time, I will take the move for him.
Tony should hold back his move until nearer the time.


Rohan is No More

1) Rohan is effectively no more. The final force of Rohan moved in support of Gondor thereby merging. Mordor took East Emnet. Rule 2.9

"A players home provinces turn into neutral ones if the player has no troops or provinces under his control"

Rohans leaders are still in play, but with no troops to command, Rohan is no more.

Turn 15: Pirate King Landlocked

The Lord of the Ring is completely surrounded in his southern land, losing more territory to opportunistic Easterlings. Will the Pirate King tear his gaze away from his bauble long enough to save his people?

No Rest for the Dwarves

Dwarven stamina appears not to have been overestimated as the stout armies of Dain claim more territories in the North.
The final vestiges of orc dominion sallied forth from the Western Waste to attack an oncoming band of Dwarvish warriors. All 2300 orcs were slain for 1200 grey beards.
The mountain fastness of Angmar was sacked as 600 orcish defenders fled to Beorns Marches. Unfortunately, 18000 Dwarven warriors from Framsburg rapidly overtook the screaming warband. Much rejoicing was made when the Dwarves had their fill of mutilation.

The infamous Wolfshead clan marched into the coastal province of Druwaith Iaur unopposed as all 8000 garrisoned Dunlendings marched North along with more than 3000 longships.

Lord Celeborn rode forth from the Halls of Thranduil, overwhelming the small force of orcs patrolling the Old Forest Road. Rumours abound that the Elven lord slew the 65 defenders single handedly.
Elven forces have been spotted crossing the High Passes from the regions around Imladris.

Gondorian forces take the battle to the very gates of Mordor as the Dead Marshes are cleared of soggy booted orcs. The brief sortee of Mordor forces into Osgiliath has evidently served its purpose as the orcish defenders make an orderly retreat to the dark halls of Minas Morgul. Gondorian cavalry poured into the ruined city from outlying provinces, bringing the two forces into spitting distance of each other.
Some concerns were raised amongst the men of the West as more than 140,000 Mordor troops marched North from the dusty southern climes, camping at Poros.

Weather report: Cold Easterly winds are expected across the lands bringing light showers in the region of Osgiliath…