Friday, April 21, 2006

Pirate King Challenges All

I'm going to kill you all and rule middle earth for ever..... ha ha ha ha he he he arrrrgh!

Pirate King
(New Lord of the Ring)

The Mouth Speaks

People of Middle Earth! The time has come to rise up against this evil sorceror in the South. This diabolical ex-Pirate has come into the posession of an artifact which can only have turned his mind to madness. See how he has deserted his homelands and formed a single massive army.

If the free nations of middle earth unite this tub-thumper can be dispenced with. My lord Sauron has the power to tame this artifact and make middle earth safe for all. Surely trust placed given the fact that the forces have Mordor have done nothing but seek to avoid combat for the last few weeks.

Dwarves, Men, Elves, Halflings. Turn your attention South.

Turn 14: Black Gate Remains Shut

Twenty three thousand knights of Gondor rode out of North Ithilien to storm the Black Gate of Mordor at Udun. Mass slaughter ensued as rampaging trolls streamed out of hidden Cliffside caves and forced the brave knights upon the Mordor defences. Caught between a rock and a rock wielding troll battalion, the men of the west were summarily executed. More than half of the 26,000 Mordor defenders remained to fill their bellies.

The Dwarven armies continue their spring exercises by capturing vast swathes of northern territory. A small force of starving orcs in the Western Wastes are all that remain of the Mordor horde in the northern lands. The Dwarves copious facial hair is proving a formidable asset in the cold climes.

Gondor reclaimed the coastal region of Anfalas, but the recent occupiers pulled a quick manouvre to clash head-on with one of the relieving forces. More than 5000 men were killed in ambushes, taking 2000 wily orcs with them. Andrast fell to the advancing Wolfhead clan. May the people of Andrast fair better than the former denizens of Belfalas.

Elven forces continue to move unmolested through the High Passes of the Misty Mountains and beauty slowly returns to the Gladden Fields as the Elven people breath life into the fertile land.

The Pirate King reclaimed the region of Harad, slaying 3400 Easterling defenders. However, more than 40,000 Mordor troops retreated to South Gondor, joining forces with oncoming hordes from Khand and Poros. The greatest army ever mobilized floods the fields of Southern Gondor with fires that can be seen from the towers of Minas Tirith.

Mordor armies advance into the Wold. Could a bloody conflict grip the middle lands?

Turn 13: Horror at Morgul

One of the greatest battles for Middle Earth took place this week, as 54,000 brave men of Gondor followed Prince Imrahil into the horror that is the Vale Of Morgul. Terror seeped into the hearts of men as nearly 60,000 orcs poured a withering storm of arrows and cruel barbs into the attackers.
The greatly weakend force fell foul to berserking trolls and the slaughter was horrendous. One heroic captain returned to Minas Tirith to relate the news. Tragically he died of his wounds, as did the noble Prince of Dol Amroth.
More than half of the defenders remained to feast on their fallen foes.

Dwarven armies captured territory in the north, slaying the 3000 occupants of the great Mordor stronghold Gundabad. A large army marched into Northern Rhun and further gains were made into the Eastern Waste as Mordor forces retreated into the Grey Mountains.

Elves have also been on the march, reclaiming the Gladden Fields and pushing large numbers of warriors through the deserted High Pass.

The Pirate King feels mounting pressure as Mordor takes more of his territory, capturing the Sutherland. However, Nazgul enter the southern lands and paralyze the forces of Khand. This proves the demise of a small force of 3000 Easterlings that were expecting some support from Khand as they attacked into the Haradwaith. They were rapidly surrounded by 80,000 men of Umbar, led by the awesome presence of the Pirate King. None survived.

13,000 Uruk Hai of Isengard were slaughtered by the Mordor juggernaut in the Brown Lands.
More than 50,000 troops threaten the allied advance.

Turn 12: The Red Tide Ebbs

Spring brought an easing of the terrible snow storms that have wracked the northern mountain passes and marked the end of a period of mourning for the Dwarf Lord Brand. A large force of doughty warriors ransacked Carn Dûm, slaying the 13,000 orcish defenders and casting their skulls from the highest points. There was much rejoicing in the dwarven holds.

The Elves marshaled a massive army from Imladris and the vale of Rhudaur, marching through the High Pass. The mordor defences proved no obstacle to the first borns who leapt across the earthworks and slew more than 40,000 defenders. Over 20,000 elves lost their lives.

5000 men of the west strolled into Emyn Muil, recently vacated as orcs fled to the Dagorlad. As the new spring thaw brought warmer weather to the land, the hills of Emyn Muil were shrouded in deep fog. The Gondorians clashed with an unknown foe and as the fog lifted, 3000 Isengarders littered the ground.
Mordor forces engaged the besieged defenders of Umbar, taking victory over nearly 40,000 pirates in Harad. More than 34,000 Easterlings were slain in the titanic struggle. Elsewhere, Mordor forces clashed with the minions of Saruman in the Brown Lands. 11,000 mordor warriors were easily overcome.

A sizeable force of Dunlendings camped in Helms Deep, closing the noose on the Great Brown halls of Rohan.

Like to Travel?

Want a profession with good career prospects? See the world and travel to far off lands. Meet new and interesting people. Apply now for roaming reporter to the Lay of the Land.
Elves need not apply. Nor hobbits.

Turn 11: In the Halls of Darkness

The End of Year Employee Satisfaction Awards were presented late last night. The most prestigious award, the “World Leader in a Fast Changing Environment” goes to …….. Sauron. Even though they haven’t been feeling a hundred percent recently, the employees of the great Mordor Warmachine voted unanimously for complete satisfaction in their roles.

In a ground breaking interview our reporter Drogo Proudfoot of the Shire put some searching questions to the Dark Lord in his mountain citadel.
Drogo: “Can you tell our readers what management techniques you use to so successfully motivate your personnel?”
DL: “Well, it’s just a question of knowing your creations really. My staff are motivated by simple impulses. The urge to kill and destroy being foremost. I think it important to set achievable targets and to implement a suitable reward scheme.”
Drogo: “Such as the murder of innocent civilians in Belfalas?”
DL: “Indeed.”
Drogo: “And the wholesale slaughter of 35,000 men, women and children in the City of the Corsairs?”DL: “Yes. Yes. Another good example. I think that this demonstrates that when you empower your employees, the results can be rather dramatic.”
Drogo: “Is there anyone that you owe your success to?”
DL: “I rather hope that my Master, the Great lord Melkor is watching all this. I’m sure I heard his laughter echoing across the void.”
Drogo: “Thank you for your time Great Lord.”
DL: “Not at all….. Now, I have some questions for you…”

Dreadful weather strikes the land as icy winds and thick snowstorms confine the stout Dwarves to their mountain strongholds. Freakish desert storms grip the southern lands of Umbar as swirling winds and sand prevent the pirate kings army from engaging the Mordor invaders.

The Lord Faramir was slain in a foolhardy attempt to reinforce Lamedon. Orcs streamed out of the ghost city Belfalas and fell upon the Gondorian army. 4000 knights were slain in addition to the captain of the White Tower. 5000 orc casualties were seen as an acceptable loss.

Orc armies converged on middle Elven lands taking Anduin and the Gladden Fields. 40,000 casualties were split by both opponents.

Rohan made a plucky defence of East Emnet when 2000 horsemen held off 3500 rampaging orcs for two hours, but eventually they were overcome.

Denethor marched into the Entwash almost unopposed to put pressure upon the Mordor lines. Huge orc forces are streaming into Umbar as Khand is retaken. 21k orcs were killed for 17k pirate men taken completely unawares in their camps.

Wolf riders from Isengard poured into the Brown Lands mopping up 130 Easterlings that had lost their way. Meanwhile 20,000 Riders of Rohan merged forces with the Uruk Hai of West Emnet, laying siege to the outskirts of Edoras. The “Golden Hall” of Edoras is now more akin to the “Brown Hall” as hordes of Orcs apply a new kind of pebble dash to the ancient home of Rohan.

Turn 10: Men on the March

Great swathes of land were retaken by the people of Middle Earth as the orc armies of Mordor go into full retreat. The Men of the West made huge gains into Ithilien and Anorien but were unable to retake the city of Belfalas. With nowhere to run, the vile orcs dug in to receive 20,000 Gondorian warriors. The stench of rotting corpses piled at the foot of the walls was truly appalling as orcs fired volley after volley of cruel barbs into the returning heroes.. all were slain. The smells of burning flesh and the roars of more than 12,000 drunken orcs echo through the valleys.

The brave elves of the Anduin sent more than 2000 orcs back to Dul Guldur, leaving behind the corpses of around 4000 for the loss of 1000 elven souls.

More than 70,000 orcs strolled into an empty City of the Corsairs, settling down in the Pirate Kings palace and raiding his private wine cellar.As land changed hands across vast areas of Middle Earth, surprisingly little blood was spilt as the Mordor armies swarm to safeholds.

Dwarven forces were bogged down in dreadful winter snows. Mountain goats and sheep have been brought into the villages to keep the dwarfs warm in the cold, long, boring nights…

Turn 9: DOOM

Dread crawls throughout the land, stealing into the hearts of men, elf, dwarf and even the most wretched orc, as the Lord of Middle Earth strides forth from the land of the Corsair.

The Pirate King declares the ring for his own and with it, the domination of all Middle Earth. Tremble before him.

Orcs are cowering before the sun and fleeing to the hills as the Eye no longer watches over them and even the Dark Lords most loyal followers, the Nazgul are brought to heel by the power of the Ring. The winged Nazgul fly South to join their master at the Havens of Umbar.

However, before the full power of the ring became apparent, more than seventy thousand orcs streamed onto the Old Forest Road. The Elves stood to the last man in order to save their liege lord. The swiftest horse carried the Lord Celeborn to the Elven Kings Halls even as orc claws reached for his throat. More than 55,000 Elves lost their lives. Truly a tragedy to the Elven people.

Imladris is under siege as Orcs surround the great home of Lord Elrond. 26,000 Orcs were chased back to the crags of Carn Dum as massive Elven reinforcements poured on to the Ettenmoors. Just over 7,000 returned to their pits.

A massive Mordor army invaded the lands of Umbar. The force is seriously weakened as the Lord of the Ring approaches them.

Gondor rejoices as the once fair city of Osgiliath is retaken without loss.
A large force sallied forth from Lorien defeating 7000 orcs in the vale of Anduin.
Strange sounds come from the north as songs of war, drinking and gold echo throughout the valleys. Wargs and Uruk hai are commonplace as the forces of Saruman increase.

All Mordor forces fight with 50% efficiency. The Pirate Kings personal army fights as though double in strength.

Turn 8: Tragedy Strikes Dwarf and Man

Mordor troops stormed into Dwarven lands, murdering 20,000 stout hearted warriors in the foothills of Framsburg. Brand died upon a heap of enemy corpses. 16000 orc warriors were slain. Cries of hatred echo through the northern valleys.

The recapture of Lamedon by Prince Faramir left a bitter taste in the mouths of gondorians as mutilated corpses were seen hanging from the walls of once fair Belfalas. The entire population of 18,000 souls was massacred in a single night of carnage.

Middle Earth sees some of the greatest armies ever assembled by Orc or Man, as 80,000 rampaging orcs pour into Southern Gondor, killing 18000 pirates that were practicing beach landings. Umbar, not to be outdone marched a massive army of nearly 60,000 men into Khand, slaughtering the meager defenders. The hatred of man and orc increases throughout the land.Elsewhere, defiant Elven defenders numbering some 1700 held off an attack by more than 1800 fanatical orcs in Carrock, and the massive army of Celeborn continues into Eastern Mirkwood. The rise of some 70,000 Mordor troops in Central Mirkwood may halt the green juggernaut.

Mordor marched into Fangorn forest a mere spitting distance from the gates of Orthanc itself.
Mordor forces continued to stream across the map, capturing High pass and storming the walls of Helms Deep. The Mouth understood the significance of another failing in this quarter and took over the assault himself. 4000 men were killed defending their great stronghold.

Turn 7: Rohan Stand Firm

The brave men of Rohan stood fast at Helms Deep where they were almost overrun by a large force of Orcs sent from the black hills of Mordor. As reinforcements from Edoras took to the walls, the defenders vanquished their opponents (who outnumbered them more than two to one) and songs are being drafted as this goes to press. 15000 orcs were slain for the lives of 5000 men.

Elsewhere, 13000 Rohan citizens were summarily executed in Eastfold as the ravenous hordes of Mordor sat down to lunch.

The Dark Lord suffered a setback in the South as thousands of rampaging pirates streamed into Near Harad. Another large force of Haradrim, around 10000 men were somewhat surprised to discover more than 30000 mordor troops defending the vast realm of Khand. A brief discussion resulted in the loss of all 10,000 men.Elsewhere in Middle Earth, massive Elven and Mordor armies vied for control of several provinces, completely missing each other in the process.

The Dwarves marched in the River Running singing ancient battle songs and grumbling about the collapse of DMC. The ailing Mercenary corp called in the receivers to interview the heads of the company which were duly presented on platters.

A large band of Uruk Hai marched into the Gap of Rohan. Whether this was done with the permission of the horse lords is unclear.

Furry footed hobbits aided the Elves in the recapture of the North Downs as Mordor forces withdrew to the mountain strongholds.

The massive fortress of Belfalas, home of Prince Imrahil was stormed by Mordor. Sadly its underdefended walls were unable to resist.

Where is the White Rider?
What’s it got in it’s pocketses?

Turn 6: Sauron Covers the Land In Darkness

The terrifying hordes of Mordor extend their reach across all corners of Middle Earth. The brave men of Gondor felt the weight of the Dark Lords power as more than 40,000 troops stormed the fair lands of Lamedon. Reinforcements were tragically delayed when the Nazgul sapped the will of the forces at Lebennin. More than 20,000 Gondor warriors were slain, their eyes constantly turning to the horizon in hope. But none was to come. Prince Imrahil was unavailable to comment.

The men of Rohan were hard pressed as the Dark Lords Lieutenant marched upon Eastfold slaughtering more than 6000 hapless horsemen. The encirclement of East Emnet was completed when Mordor troops streamed from the North to overwhelm 2000 men of Rohan in West Emnet.

Gains were also made by Mordor in the South, as the men of Near Harad were outnumbered 4-1. More than six and a half thousand Haradrim were killed.Elsewhere in Middle Earth, an emergency meeting of the DMC (Dwarven Mercenary Company) was called by shocked shareholders. The Dwarves debated long into the night as to how 4000 Dwarven mercenaries were committed to a contract and then massacred by oncoming Lord Celeborn and 30000 Elven troops. Heads will roll on the Risk Management team. Literally.

A huge expeditionary force sallied out of Minas Tirith to quash the orcs in Lossarnach, only to find that they’d moved on.

Once and a half thousand furry footers were slaughtered whilst having tea on the North Downs.

Dwarven Mercenaries

Dwarven Mercenaries for Hire: Can YOU afford to be without them?
Here’s how it works:
You supply (pay) a non-refundable quantity of troops as support into a pre-approved Dwarf controlled territory. Next turn or as soon as logistically possible, double the quantity of troops supplied invade the territory of your choice.

Turn 5: Witch King Falls, Massacre in Rohan

A terrible battle was fought upon the green fields of Rohan when the Witchking led 37000 orcs into East Emnet. Brave Eomer led the countercharge as reinforcements flooded in from neighbouring provinces. The Witchking fell to the Lady Eowyn, it being a couple of thousand years since the evil sorcerer had touched a woman….

Leaderless, the orc horde was trampled beneath the hooves of Rohan horsemen. No orc survived and 20,000 men and horse fell.

The brave Lady Eowyn was carried from the field after falling to a terrible malady. She will convalesce for some time and the land owes a debt of gratitude that can never fully be repaid. Elsewhere, a large force of Elves were slaughtered as Mordor moved into Beorns Marches and started skinning bears for fun.
Some significant gains were made by Mordor as the red wave continues to pour across the land.

The Siege of Minas Tirith has begun. How will our brave men of Gondor respond?
An evil horde of Variags answered the call of Sauron and setup shop in Khand.
Hobbits stomp into the North Downs, promptly celebrating with supper.

Turn 4: Pirates Fail to Board....Sauron set Adrift?

A titanic struggle ensued for the Southlands when the might of Mordor and the hordes of Umbar clashed on the borders of Khand. Nearly 30,000 Southerners littered the field as a crippled Mordor limped into Haradwaith. To be met by 6000 angry seadogs. Of the original 32000 strong force, no Orc was left alive.

Elsewhere, Rohan stood fast against the numerically superior forces of the Dark Lord on the plains of the Eastfold. Eomer and his 17,000 men turned back 25,000 Orcs. At the end of a fierce and bloody battle , Eomer and just 463 knights remained alive.

Mordor forces overran the Elves on the Ettenmoors. 3500 brave Elves lost their lives to ensure the retreat of their comrades, last seen running for Rhudaur.

Apart from that, It’s all been pretty quiet.Oh, aside from 2 of Saruman spies summarily executed in Anfalas by the Umbar occupiers.

Turn 3: Massacre in Mirkwood

The overwhelming power of the Dark Lord was wielded against the Elves of Mirkwood with more than 3000 slain on the Old Forest Road.
Unconfirmed reports of a small fracas between the brave troops of Dol Gulder and the fortunate elves of Anduin list around 11000 Mordor troops dead on the field.
The might of the Nazgul allowed the redeployment of forces in Lossarnach to the Anduin vale. The scream of the Nazgul echoes in the minds of men, turning the horselords hearts to ice.
Unconfirmed reports of a small fracas between the valiant forces of Mordor and the lucky Gondorians suggest that around 13000 Mordor warriors lost their lives on the field of Lossarnach. The incompetent commander tragically died on the field and cannot return to the Master for suitable punishment.

Dwarves teach Elves a Lesson

The doughty Dwarves of Lhun have crushed an invading force of Elves at Nenuial. 1000 pointy eared fools met their deserved deaths.
The Elves also took a pounding from the cliffs of Angmar where brave defenders pummeled the invaders with stone and iron.
There are rumours of a strange figure sweeping through the lands like a streak of lightning. This cannot be confirmed seemingly because it’s gone so quickly. The editor knows better and thinks the locals should lay off the drink.

Turn 2: Gondor Defiant

Prince Imrahil arrived in the nick of time to beat back the hordes of Mordor, personally facing down one of the Nazgul. Nearly 20,000 corpses litter the fields of Lebennin whilst the remaining rag tag bunch of orcs have setup camp in Lossarnach.
The land grab situation is nearing an end as the neutral territories rapidly decrease.
Exclusive to Lay of the Land. An interview with the Dark Lord of Mordor.
Reporter: Thank you for agreeing to talk to our readers my lord. Is my Lord ok?
Sauron: Master will suffice.
Reporter: Of course, master it is. It’s quite a place you have here. It must have taken some time?Sauron: I poured my soul and my malice into it’s creation…. It didn’t take long really and I was quite pleased with the results. I was going for a dark, gloomy kindof feel.
Reporter: You’re a little out of the way here, do you miss your family?
Sauron: My family?
Reporter: Yes, your mother for instance.
Sauron: My Mother? Let me tell you about my mother!

We hope to have Part 2 in a few weeks.
Where the Warg howls,
There also the Orc prowls.
The Gaffer
For real Middle Earth nerds :

Turn 1: Gandalf Falls

But not alone. Terrible tidings from the deeps of Khazad Dum, as Mithrandir confronts the Balrog on the Bridge of “whateveritscalled. (Ancient Dwarfish spelling)”. Both were last seen plummeting into the bowels of the Earth (euch).
Rumours abound of a dark secret within the lands of Middle Earth and shadows steal through the night, searching…..
A general free for all landgrab has resulted in surprisingly little blood spill.. although the map now looks like a sea of blood spreading from the pits of Mordor.